Monday, May 21, 2012

Banner Bunny Voting!

Each week we will be voting on a different category.

Make sure you read all of the stories in the category before voting!

Click the banners for the stories.
This weeks reading list includes:

Best New Author:

Best New to Vampire Academy Author:

When you have finished reading, 
click here to vote!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Vampire Academy RxD Banner Bunnies Contest


The Details:
Entrants will be given a RANDOM BANNER with an RxD pairing. You do not get to pick which banner.
You must write a story that goes along with the banner. That includes the title, and the images. You will be given one veto to use against any banner that is currently posted. It must be declared at the time of entry. 

Minimum 1500 words-No maximum. Multi-Chapter stories CAN be a WIP at time of voting.

You may enter as many times as you like. Last day to enter is April 15, 2012. Stories must be posted by May 15, 2012. That gives everyone PLENTY of time. Stories are to be posted to your own account, and a link must be emailed to this address -> mandy52799, or message on facebook.

******If you are doing a multi chapter story, you must STOP posting as of the deadline. You will only be judged on what is up as of 11:59 US EST on May 15! Do not post past that point. You may resume posting AFTER voting is closed. This is the only way to keep things fair. I will check the post dates to make sure no one tries to sneak more in there. 

*A digital randomizer is being used to select the banners.

Links to stories will be posted on this blog as soon as they are available so everyone can get into the reading as soon as possible.  Voting will be done by a public vote, split into various categories. Voting will be posted on this blog on May 18-25, 2012****. Winners will be announced in a timely manner. 

****Dates may be adjusted due to the number of entries

Please do not vote if you do not bother to read the stories. This isn't a popularity contest, this is a challenge to get people writing.

All Entrants will get to keep their customized banners, so everybody wins! But that's obviously not enough, so prize banners will be awarded in the following categories.

1-3 Best one shot.
1-3 Best Multi-Chapter
1st place Best Use of Banner
1st Place Best New Author
1st Place Best New to Fandom (authors of other fandoms trying out VA)

How to enter:
Send an email (or message on facebook) including the following info to

Author Name:
Email Address:
Fanfiction Profile Link:
Are you a first time author? 
Are you an established author trying Vampire Academy for the first time?
Which banner would you NOT want to write?

You will receive a message back as soon as your banner is ready. Good luck! 

********Special Notes on the contest********
1. Please Answer the questions asked for the entries..There is a reason for them.
2. Please don't complain about not getting the banner you wanted...You knew what you were getting into when you entered, and you are given the chance to tell me a banner you don't want. If you are so terribly unhappy, let me know and I will remove you from the contest and give your banner to someone else. Thank you.

Just a Kiss

This banner is for Nicia and untamed00notbroken's story "Just a Kiss"

Tuesday, March 20, 2012